Ghazal Jumping Platform of the 10th Fajr Video Games Festival
The experience of the Iran Video Games Foundation in the field of investment and marketing for computer games shows that the development of the investment sector in this area requires the design of business plans and investment events, in addition to which, with the cooperation of other players, a basis for creating investment opportunities and a path for the growth of the ecosystem can be provided. This year, in addition to co-investment, crowdfunding will also be carried out based on needs assessments and requests from game developers and investors.
The Ghazal Investment Event for Video Games is held with the approach of presenting active games and attracting investors as follows:
1- Investing in publishing, presentation and campaigns leading to market development
2- Investing in start-up games
3- Investing in design and ideas for game production
4- Partnering in using game technologies to produce desirable content in games
5- Developing serious games, especially educational games
6- Introducing opportunities and talents for capital and crowdfunding companies in cooperation with innovation and prosperity funds and creative industries, etc.
For this purpose, several infrastructures and processes are required in order to achieve the appropriate output. In the rest of this plan, we will briefly refer to these requirements and operational processes.
3- To introduce teams and provide acceleration in order to accelerate the commercial development of serious games
Stages of participation in the event:
Serious game producers in each of the topics and branches introduced publicly, as well as based on the requirements announced by the organizations, can submit their works to the secretariat. After receiving the submitted works, the serious games will be judged in three stages: production, commercial, and scientific. After obtaining the necessary points and validation, the selected teams will present their achievements in the final stage, and finally the serious game of the year will be introduced.
Ghazal Investment Event: In this event, game development teams and companies present their plans and games to attract capital, and they review and defend them during two pre-events, and on the closing day, the top companies are introduced to attract capital.
Promotional events:
This process is specific to those actors who, for whatever reason, have a desire to create a specific discourse to achieve a specific goal. These events will ultimately lead to networking and discourse building in line with ecosystem development.
Educational events: Another tool for ecosystem development is to provide necessary training to interested parties, especially potential entrepreneurs who have been attracted to this field through other ecosystem development tools or personal interests and need to be turned into actual players.
Interested parties can visit the festival website at and register their application in the investment section.
After registering on the official website of the Fajr Video Games Festival (Investment Section) and submitting a project or game introduction file, applicants are initially evaluated and, if the process is completed, they are introduced to the jury and representatives of the investment funds. Finally, on the day of the event, after the event judges review the amount of investment from the funds is determined.
Ghazal Investment Event Secretariat (Hamgara) e-mail